It is your

And we will support you.

JUNIMOND is an independent, alternative funeral home operating in Berlin and Brandenburg. It is run by Leo Ritz and Hendrik Thiele.

At JUNIMOND, we understand the vulnerability that comes during a period of loss - whether of a partner, a family member or a friend - and offer a helping hand to guide you through this difficult time.

Transparency and sensitivity are the key principles of our work and our main focus during the various stages of the funeral process.

We handle all of the necessary paperwork.

As well as organizing a death certificate, we arrange the cremation and make all preparations for the ceremony. Unlike a traditional funeral business, however, our work revolves primarily around you, the bereaved, and your individual needs and wishes. Our job is to listen and empower you to become an active part of the process - as much as you feel is right for you.

We are here to support and guide you through the entire process.
We are here to collaborate with you, not to impose our way of doing things.

Phone: 0049-30-91449568
You can reach us via e-mail:

Or visit us in our office based in Friedrichshain:
Straßmannstr. 25, 12049 Berlin

Papierboot auf Reise

I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring.

David Bowie

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